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has anyone heard about the mastering software program T-racks and what experience do you have with it? Thanks in advance for your input!


anonymous Wed, 02/02/2005 - 14:18

I dont care for the sound, it seems overdone in trying to sound analog. If you are looking to start learning about mastering then it may be a good place to start. I would recommend Izotope Ozone over TRacks.

I use Ozone only for dither and in linear phase mode for eq (sometimes). Ever since I got UAD-1 I have been using that for the majority of my processing and that is because I cannot afford decent outboard analog processors yet.

anonymous Thu, 02/03/2005 - 20:59

Not mastering

I wouldn't touch the stuff for mastering - too colored in a bad way. The Waves plugs are the only ones good enough IMO.

I do find the EQ useful in mixing at times - particularly on drums. Also, when you need about 20 Eq's and are running TDM on a G4 466, it can help with processing demands...

TrilliumSound Thu, 02/10/2005 - 12:49


Have you try them ? If you don't know which one is better for this purpose (mastering, I suppose), something tells me that you don't even know what these plugs are doing !?!

It seems that you have spent lots of $$ but don't know what they are and what they cannot do. :shock:

PSP is a warmer (analog sim if I recall) plugin and the Waves Platinum is a bundle of plugins.

anonymous Thu, 02/10/2005 - 15:07

ah, I think you misunderstand me, I use a lot of the waves plugins, but until now I have not mastered anything!!!, I didn´t spend the money cause I borrow the equipment from a friend to make I haven´t tried that I was looking for help to see which ones of this plugs are good for mastering, cause as I said I don´t have the money to pay for a mastering engineer, so I´m gonna try to give the end result a little bit of more quality at the end.

Thanks, and yes if I have been the one to buy those things without knowing what they do I would probably be a jerk :D

anonymous Sun, 02/13/2005 - 12:21

I have T-rack I think it sounds great and that it adds definition and warmth to my Mix, that beeing just what I think of it as a simple plugin.
I prefer using them seperate as VSTs
A friend of mine had a version that didnt do VST and that obliged to run all in the same time... For that reason he didnt like it but when we ran my version he felt differently..
Just my five subjective green cents
