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I am not a Cubase user yet, still doing some research.

I am coming from a PT LE environment and I am wondering about the automation capabilites of Cubase. I would imagine that they are at least comprable to PT but I would like to hear some feedback.

I am also particularly interested in Plugin automation which is quite easy to execute in PT.

I was also wondering if anyone could recommend a good Cubase forum where you don't have to own the software to join. Thanks



anonymous Mon, 10/31/2005 - 05:31


Greetings Rob,

I've never used PT (LE or otherwise) - as shocking a concept as that is to many of you here - so I can't offer you a direct comparison but I can say that automation in Cubase (and all of the other sequencers I have tried) works well and fairly comprehensively once you know how to do it.