anonymous 1 May 2004 If you had two friends (OK, that drops most of your from the list), one wanted to give you an Avalon 737 and the other an old Focusrite 430 (not Mark II), which would you consider to be the better friend? Why? Tags focusrite avalon which is better Log in or register to post comments Comments which would you consider to be the better friend? Why? The one AudioGaff Sat, 05/01/2004 - 16:54 which would you consider to be the better friend? Why? The one that has the most great gear that I could continue to blackmail and get away with it... Log in or register to post comments
which would you consider to be the better friend? Why? The one AudioGaff Sat, 05/01/2004 - 16:54 which would you consider to be the better friend? Why? The one that has the most great gear that I could continue to blackmail and get away with it... Log in or register to post comments
which would you consider to be the better friend? Why? The one
The one that has the most great gear that I could continue to blackmail and get away with it...