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Here's something I found interesting... I just picked up my latest complimentary copy of "MIX" from the mail box. (Thank You PRIMEDIA) I started thumbing through it and I spotted (for the first time) an ad for AMD Anthlon. Wow! A chip manufacturer that is actually going for the recording market! Duh! I've been wondering how long it was going to take someone in the computer industry to recognize that there's a huge potential market here for computers and components... It looks as if we (music users) are going to finally get our "props" ... Fats



Kurt Foster Thu, 11/28/2002 - 09:34

How are you doing? That wasn't the point. It doesn't matter if it was AMD, Intel whoever. I'm just glad to see that the "Marketing Morons" :D (I mean that this time) are finally beginning to realize that we music users are buying a lot of computers. As far as AMD goes I'm running Dual AMD 1800+ and I haven't had one problem yet...seems to be ok to me. Next time I update or get a new computer I will probably go with the Intel chips but so far I'm doing fine. Opus' tweaks are doing the job and my new rig is kicking some serious butt!. I hope your having a great T day Bill..... Best of it all to you, Fats

SonOfSmawg Thu, 11/28/2002 - 11:48

My guess is that AMD is well-aware that, until now, they didn't have a single-processor chipset that was good for audio recording. Now, with the introduction of the nForce2 boards, AMD has an excellent chance of grabbing a chunk of the recording market. The initial release of the nForce2 boards are sans integrated video, which are most likely to be the audio-recorders' choice anyway. The nForce2 boards, when used with a 333fsb CPU and two sticks of DDR SDRAM, absolutely pummel all of the previous AMD boards.
HOWEVER! Ironically, on the ASUS A7N8X forum, the main initial problem that people are discussing is the integrated Dolby digital audio (which is on the "Deluxe" model) when trying to use it for surround sound. ASUS is aware of this issue and claims that they will fix it in a BIOS update. But I haven't seen anyone post any audio-related problems regarding the integrated Realtek audio on the "Standard" version board. Of course, this is a moot point if you don't intend to use the integrated audio.

audiowkstation Thu, 11/28/2002 - 13:46

Hi Cedar, SOS, myself today...well me and the Doggie..and I cooked up a feast and will have food for days!

It is hard to keep up with the computer WS I put together (main box) in May 1999 with many mods and around April 2003 will be the time to convert this box to internet dudty and build another machine. With the +600MHZ FSB systems coming on line in a few weeks, it has always been exciting to watch computer technology.

Even emaichine now has a 1.8GHZ machine with 256Megs of ram and writer for 399.

Time flys when you are having fun.

Pray for Stephen Paul folks

Kurt Foster Thu, 11/28/2002 - 14:10

I hope you and Miss Madie are having a nice feast! I wish that you lived closer so I could invite you to sup with us here at Cedar Flat. Someday I hope we will have a chance to get together. How are you doing. Has the health scare issue been resolved? I hope so. We are keeping Stephen and yourself in our thoughts, sending all the good energy your ways and hoping for the best. We here at RO really have come to rely on a few of you guys who I like to refer to as "The Brain Trust". Well heree's hoping all is well in your corner of the Universe......... Fats


Opus2000 Fri, 11/29/2002 - 09:14

Man, the Nforce chipsets are nothing to write home about in the DAW world. In fact you can't use them with Matrox cards!!! They're incompatible. That is directly from Matrox themselves! So.....unless you are a gamer..don't bother. Also, again...WHY TAKE THE CHANCE OF MORE INCOMPATABILITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMD is nice with AMD chipsets...nothing else. Unless you are a gamer. We are not gamers(well, SOS is.... :p ) here!
So, the fact that AMD is advertising in Mix, having AMD techs post in the Nuendo forums says they are hurting and trying to get some wins back in their corener. They are trying every trick in the book now.
Again, with HT already out and AMD's HyperCore NOT out...AMD is bumming.
Opus ( feeling like a f***ing broken record in here lately)

Kurt Foster Fri, 11/29/2002 - 09:30

So I'm watching westerns on TMC last night after some serious chowing down and I notice an ad by Intel showing a guy at the computer recording a band! This is just too much! It truly appears as if all of a sudden these chip manufactures are beginning to notice the recording market! It sure took them long enough! Perhaps they might start designing some products just for us? Na, that would be waaaaay too much to hope for....... Fats

Kurt Foster Sat, 11/30/2002 - 21:42

What do you want in an OS? I'm a newbie to computer recording and I am just curious what you think is wrong with XP Pro, OS9 and OSX? I run Cubase and I am finding that I don't notice the OS at all. I have noticed that Cubase is very Windows like however. Is this because I am runnig it on a Windows machine? Is Cubase very Mac like if you run it on a Mac? I am afraid this all sounds kind of stupid but how am I going to learn if I don't ask the stupid questions. I waited to get into the computer recording until it was evident that native power was fast enough to really run 32 tracks with all the bells and whistles. I also didn't want to spend money on something that would frustrate me. I am used to working on large format consoles with quality outboard and until recently it was clear that computers really didn't have the guts to do what I was used to doing. Now they have arrived and so here I am, playing catch up! Thanks ....... Fats

Opus2000 Tue, 12/03/2002 - 22:17

Yes, AMD advertising is cool and a great step for audio based recording systems. Indeed we do make a good percentage of sales for either CPU manufacturer and in fact I think we're the most picky due to incompatability issues.
With AMD making their own chipsets, which was a very smart move IMHO, the issues are far gone and trickling down to a bare minimum.
If I had waited it out I would have gone the AMD route myself but I needed a good machine and so I went Intel to play it safe in the hardware compatability realm!
Opus :D

Kurt Foster Tue, 12/03/2002 - 22:29

I gotta say that the AMD system I had assembled and then tweaked according to your instructions has been working perfectly for several weeks now. I have been running it every day and I have tracked two tunes on it so far. Not one glitch, crash or hic up. The only issue was that bad pooler call thing when trying to read the PDF owners manual. But I just don't put up Cubase and the PDF at the same time... If I had understood at the time I had the system built I probably would have gone with Intel but now that I have this system I must say I'm very happy with it. I think it will serve me well, as long as these WD 80 gig drives you said to get don't die....... :D ...... Fats

anonymous Wed, 12/04/2002 - 14:09

I must have been on some good drugs when I posted that It's a pretty stupid statement. The line is getting pretty blurry between MS and Apple OS's. Both OS X and XP have alot of similar low level features.
My one major gripe with the OS's available today is that they seem to focus more on flash than functionality. OS X is a really good example of that. It looks cool and does some neat visual tricks but I find that wasteful. I'd rather something plain looking but seriously fast.
I can't comment on XP too much. I have no experience with it.
Sorry for the trollish tone of that post. Don't know what I was thinkin'.

SonOfSmawg Wed, 12/11/2002 - 09:50

Hmmm ... AMD. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether or not the A7N8X is compatible with Matrox cards or not is a moot point. The nForce2 cards are garbage. They're having hardware and driver issues that are absolute nightmares. It's not AMD or ASUS' fault, it's nVidia's fault. It's a great idea that was poorly implemented.
Anyway, I built a new puter. I stuck with AMD. Intel/P4/Microsoft ... WAY too many issues (sorry OPUS). I went with a XP1600+ AGOIA on an ASUS A7V8X (VIA KT400 chipset). VIA chipset? Yeah. I'm not going to use it for a DAW. I have a different iron in the fire ...
I've teamed-up with an engineer here in Pahrump to design and build minimal noise and noise-free computers. My two peecees and three of his are our guinea pigs. Minimal noise ... piece of cake. With heatpipe technology, hi-tech fans, and a fiber-sided case, you can have an overclocking monster without feeling like you're in the same room as a jet engine. As far as a noise-free puter ... well, that's what the guinea pigs are for. We have several different distinct ideas that we're implementing, to see which concepts work best, which will be the most cost-efficient, and which will be the most logical to produce. I'm really having a lot of fun with it, I'm learning a lot, and who knows ... maybe we have something here (?).

SonOfSmawg Thu, 12/12/2002 - 03:52

LOL ... oh boy, here we go again ... NOT. With our history, you have to ask that? I think those worms are far too old for us to keep tossing them out of the can, Bro. LMFAO

I love the AMD machines. I build em, they work.

I'm still contemplating buying Lindows. Since I've had ZILCH experience with Linux, I've been doing a little homework on it. I hate the whole "Big Brother" thing that Microsoft is implementing more and more into their software, so I really want a viable alternative, and so do a LOT of other people. They want me to shell-out $135 for XP Pro, then shell-out MORE cash to install it on another computer in my own friggin house! THEN, if I want Microsoft's updates, I can't just download them ... oh, no ... Big Brother wants to go inside my computer and TELL me what I need. BULLSHIT! I'm sick of it! And then they wonder why people hack their fucking software ... DUH! What makes them any better than people in the music industry who have to accept the fact that they're not going to get paid from every single person who uses their product? And what makes them any better than the smaller software companies that have no choice but to accept the fact that their software is constantly being traded on file-sharing sites? WHY? Because they're Big Brother, and either you allow them access inside your computer or they don't want to let you use their products. Screw that.
Ummm ... now do you want me to tell you how I really feel? LOL

SonOfSmawg Fri, 12/13/2002 - 20:20

If only it could REALLY be that simple! It would be totally bitchin to never, ever have to see Windows Wallpaper again (BSOD)! But then, again, there's really no replacing a Mac puter ... 3 years without a single problem.
Really, the only thing I HATE about my Mac is ... I never get to fiddle with it. Ya know? I open it once a month, dust it out, marvel at the engineering, and close it back up like some technological holy of holies. I never get to PLAY with it. But I've been thinking ...