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Maybe after or during college I'll get a Pro Tools Rig because I find this Fostex MR-8 Eight Track that I have to be a bit limiting.

Here'se the setup of a computer I have that I could convert.

Sony Vaio

Intel Celeron 1.2 Ghz
Hard Drive space is always expandable
And I could always add a nicer sound card.

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iznogood Sat, 07/09/2005 - 04:54

save yourself alot of trouble and find one that has a fruit on the side :lol:

and what do you need a better soundcard for if you're running protools?? protools will only run on the mbox..... or on m-audio (protools m-powered).... i would actually recommend the m-powered solution if you're palnning on running cubase or logic as well.... and i like the sound of m-audio soundcards better than m-box... (i've owned both)

jonnyc Wed, 07/13/2005 - 12:19

Ok stop this shit with "blah" is better than "blah blah", all that shit is stupid. I use ptle with a 002r and an Imac G5 and I love it but thats just me, other people hate it. I own Cubase and hate it, while other people love it. But none of that shit matters, amazing music has been made on pretty much every software out there. You can buy just about anything and make it sound good so long as you're talented. When I first got started I made cubase and ptle sound like a baby screaming in a 4x4 tile bathroom. I could've had an HD rig and it would've sounded like shit. Yes there are pros and cons to all software, what you need to do is research all of them, find out if any have certain things you're interested in and then make the choice yourself. Like i said I love ptle and wouldn't trade it but thats just me. Don't let too many of these opinions make your mind up, do that for yourself.

maintiger Wed, 07/13/2005 - 14:42

I agree. Platforms all have their pluses and minuses but bottom line they need an engenier that can make them sing. develop your recording chops and you can make great music in any of them. I use Digital performer and I love it but that's because i've been using it for about 13 years and know the ins and outs, so am not about to change. But if i got a gig doing PT i would learn the sucker and after I got pass the basics my recording chops would take over and it would be the same as DP

anonymous Mon, 08/08/2005 - 17:46

Maintiger has a very good point. "It ain't the toys, it's the Boys..." Cleverness and deep understanding of your gear, whatever you choose, is a pre-requisite for efficient work. Nothing, however, substitutes for actual creativity. You don't need any fancy gear to write great material and get it recorded well enough to impress others and sell it, if that's your goal, and if you actually have any talent anyone can recognize. I've used almost every kind of software and hardware that exists over a long career of pro and semi-pro recording, and I can get something useable out of almost anything. Great gear only displays it's advantages to great engineers with great understanding. On the other hand, average engineers only get average results, whether they spent $10,000 or $100,000 on their gear.