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We have a Behringer DDX3216 that the stereo out puts seem kind of low in volume. Is there anyway to increase the output without sacrificing the quality of the sound?

the max output level is is +16 dBu according to the specs. is there some type of module that can increase this?

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anonymous Fri, 05/29/2009 - 19:42 is our page. our latest album, "an empty sparking light" would be probably the best one to listen too. its like when you play our album in a cd player and then put a professionally produced one in at the same level. ours sounds much lower. we thought since the console max output is 16dBU we might want to find one that is in the 20s and that would help

Guitarfreak Fri, 05/29/2009 - 19:58

longboardluv wrote: We thought since the console max output is 16dBU we might want to find one that is in the 20s and that would help

Whoa Chacho hang on :x I'm not sure that 16 dBU is as significant as you think it is. It certainly means nothing to me.

What you need is a nice free Digital Audio Workstation. From there you can use a compressor/limiter to raise the overall level without distorting the track signal. That's all. 8-)

TheJackAttack Fri, 05/29/2009 - 21:05

long board you are confuse-ed about what a mixing board does. What makes a professionally mastered CD loud is more than just twisting a knob that goes to 11. Depending on the tune it might be compressed, limited, expanded, eq'd, and a slew of other things that could be applied to a single track or the whole mix. None of this happens in a mixer per se. It might be summed in a high end mixer but the processing happens either with outboard gear or In The Box. You need a DAW of some sort whether it is the free Audacity or the quite reasonable Reaper or Audition or whatever. Then you can begin to learn something about compression and eq and making a mix homogeneous. Beware that your first efforts at compression are likely to ruin your mix so make sure you save copies of your project in a safe folder.

Mastering is an art that few have the required knack. Most of us mix well enough to be respectable after years of experience and then send those mixes to the Mastering Engineer for polishing.