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alright, my MOTU 828 interface of course has a fiber optic in and out (ADAT?). i work with hometheaters and theater installs, and I understand that this single connection can transfer 8 discrete channels or audio. Can I use this connection to send 8 channels of audio being recorded to a DAT machine with the same connection? Is this how this works? As well as an answer, I would appreciate a crash course in ADAT/fiber optic technology...

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dabmeister music Wed, 04/14/2004 - 07:32

Yes it's 8 channels, but going to a dat recorder will only allow for 2 channels only. I own a couple of pieces of gear that uses this technology, ie: an Adat XT20, an Echo Layla 24/96 audio interface & a Korg Triton module (6 Adat channels only). The way it works is, that you transfer 2 channels at a time, ie: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, & etc. So for a 2 channel only dat machine, you'll only be able to transfer channels 1&2 @ (16bit,44.1khz). Hopes this helps.


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