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buy a Neumann tlm 103 or the AKG c414? I'm around the $1000 budget range. any other suggestions

also to go with the mic I'm getting the Avalon 737sp mic preamp. yes or no thanks

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drstudio Wed, 12/26/2007 - 09:45

I have an Avalon... I've had it for years, and its quite nice, neutral and clean. The instrument DI is also very good. A good purchase I'd say.

The 414 I think is a little more useable mic. On some Vocalist, it's quite good, but on others, you may have trouble with sibilence.

I've heard a lot of people trash the TLM103 for vocals. I'd say there is no comparison to u87, but it's an okay mic. I have a TLM193 that I like, but again, it's no u87.

Overall, I think the c414 is a better purchase... especially if you can afford to buy a stereo pair:)

Hope this helps you with your decision!!



tifftunes Wed, 12/26/2007 - 12:47

mastermine wrote: buy a Neumann tlm 103 or the akg c414? im around the $1000 budget range. any other suggestions

also to go with the mic im getting the avalon 737sp mic pre. yes or no thanks

No, yes, and no, in that order...

TLM103 - Too many neg comments about this one in the past few years. Though I personally know a few hard working sods using one as their only LDC and making a living with it (jingles).

AKG C414 -Though I do not care for it (any of them, actually), it is a highly respected and useable mic - versatile. I'd recommend the lesser expensive Shure KSM44, and get a pair of them, still close to your price range. I'm certain you won't regret that purchase! I also have the TLM193 and like it on many things. But it is not as versatile as the 44 or 414.

Avalon 737sp - Avalon gear is over-priced. Quite good (if you like transparent), but too expensive. There are SO many other pres available now that can match it... It use to provide great "bragging rights." But again, there are many options even at a lower price point that will be as good if not better.

Ultimately, as it has been said many times, let your ears decide.

JoeH Wed, 12/26/2007 - 13:29

Put me on the list of folks who don't care much for the 414. I don't hate it, I just don't hear anything special about it. I'd take the AT 4040 or 4050 over it any time. (The 4050 has similar features- -10 db pad, roll-off switch, dual capsule, so you can get cardioid, figure of 8, or omni use out of it.)

Same with Avalon pre's. Big yawn here. Yes, they're nice, but IMHO very overpriced. They do a great job, don't get me wrong, but I think you're paying for a lot of glitz and hype and the name on it.

Just my opinion, of course, sorry to cloud the issue further. For $1000, you have a LOT of options; your biggest problem is to simply decide.

Cucco Wed, 12/26/2007 - 15:28

Just what are your plans for the gear? VOs? Rap? Rock? Country? Instruments?

Personally I don't care for either the 414 or the 103 nor do I care for avalon.

For similar or less money and more versatility, I might suggest a KSM44, a Bluebird and an AT 4033 plus a langevin DVC. This would be a KILLER combo for almost any situation.


BobRogers Wed, 12/26/2007 - 19:07

The 414 is the "safest" of your choices. Even people who have other choices list it as a good mic. And it's not "fashionable" like the Avalon. Price for the used mic is very stable. If you buy a used mic in good condition you can probably sell it without much loss if you find something you like better.

No question that the Avalon is a good unit. But they've been hot for a while, and they do look and feel gorgeous (which is not to be sneered at). I worry about their price long term. I've been thinking about them for a long time since so many people like them as a bass DI, but they've never turned me on in a store.