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Sorry for the new thread but I didn't want to waste the whole night trying to find the applicable thread.

I am giving up on Pro Tools (which I like) and M-Audio (which I can no longer rely on) and I want to switch over to either Logic Express 8.0 and/or Propellerhead's new Record suite.

I am contemplating a MOTU firewire interface like the Ultralite Mk3 or the Traveler Mk3. I mainly want to record guitars and basses and I'm not particularly concerned about mics and so forth.

Just so you know I have both a macbook pro 1 gig ram and an iMac 2 gig ram.
Both have Leopard 10.5.7 installed.

Any suggestions on my choice of software and MOTU?
Also should I max out my ram on the macs? I would tend to use the iMac as my main music computer.




anonymous Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:40

It looks like you are also looking for new software not just and interface.

How many chanels are you planing to record at a time? Because the traveler offers Lightpipe and you have the option for external Pre's or other lightpipe devices (more chanels).

In regards to software I have never used any of the two you mentioned but I like protools witch I some times use although my main DAW is Cubase 4 witch I been really happy with.

I would definitely max out the RAM no matter what.
I hope you find something that suits your needs.


anonymous Thu, 07/23/2009 - 17:34

Looking for both actually (new DAW software and a new firewire device). I'm keeping protools but I want to try new things.
Record/Reason looks promising so I definitely want a versatile interface that can work with both Propellerhead stuff and Logic.

I typically want an interface that can receive stereo inputs so I can run a stereo guitar like a Godin with an electric input and an Piezo input in stereo .
Nothing too complicated. Its just for a project studio and I only plan to record guitars and basses. All synths and beats will be through plugins/vsts/Live Reason etc.

I'm just avoiding M-Audio for now.

