21 June 2007
Hey everyone, I've recently been listening to a lot of DJ Shadow and RJD2, and that has led me to become interested in sampled music and beatmaking. I've heard a lot of great things about Recycle (I'm using a mac), but I'm not sure if that works as a standalone beatmaker, or if it has to be used in conjunction with another piece of software. Any help or advice on other software possibilities would be wonderful.
Recycle is not multitrack, besides Reason most Major DAWs suppor
Recycle is not multitrack, besides Reason most Major DAWs support rex file import.
Once imported you can do things like rearrange the slices, delete the ones you don't need.
Trigger individual slice via midi.
We used multitrack .rex drums to replace a drum machine on this song.
No, you use ReCycle to process audio files, for import into a .r
No, you use ReCycle to process audio files, for import into a .rex supported DAW.