Has anyone got any experience using multiple interfaces (2 8 channels devices, 1 Mackie and 1 MOTU 828) linked S-PDIF? Is S-PDIF a universal data format such that any hardware that speaks it can talk and/or pass data if I need to record 16 channels using CUBASE?
I suppose I could set em up and try but as I get older (and wiser?) I appreciate learning from others knowledge/mistakes. Imagine that?
C. Ray
http://www.adavisgu…"]A.Davis Guitas[/]="http://www.adavisgu…"]A.Davis Guitas[/]
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More than you want to knpw about s/pdif: [[url=http://[/URL]="h
More than you want to knpw about s/pdif: [[url=http://[/URL]="http://en.wikipedia…"]S/PDIF - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/]="http://en.wikipedia…"]S/PDIF - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/]
44.1 or 48k 2-channel stereo ONLY
If you want 16 channels with the Motu828 you want to use something ADAT
like the Motu8Pre or Behringer ADA8000.
You mean using spdif to clock one device to the other? Yes that
You mean using spdif to clock one device to the other? Yes that should work.
You won't get 8 channels of audio down an spdif cable, if thats what you meant. Stereo only.