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I just bought the US-428 having been told that Cubase vst for mac setup for 8 tracking
on the us-428 was in the box. Guess what it's not! any way after being offered a refund and told that the company supposedly producing the software "Steinberg" have not lived up to there agrement and shipped it with out it!, even though the box say's it's in there anyway I have been told that there is legal action pending between Tascam and steinberge
and that eventally I will get my software but
man I am pulling my hair out trying to get rid of a major latency problem running the
US-428 through Pro Tools free can anyone in,going threw or have been in this crisis
please help!

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anonymous Sun, 07/08/2001 - 09:10

I just downloaded PTF but haven't used it yet. I'm running Cubase now, so I'll give you two ideas: try the input monitor switch to the right of the pan knob; slide your faders down - they are only for playback and mixing - the trim knobs are the input levels. Also, go to and check out the FAQ's on the 428.

Good Luck, I had a pretty steep learning curve, but the 428's really cool once you get past the setup.

anonymous Mon, 07/09/2001 - 09:39

Dear Satan,

Just to bust open this myth, there is no legal action between Steinberg and us. We're just waiting patiently, along with the rest of the world, for them to finish the Mac version of Cubasis. We've been including BIAS DeckLE with the US-428 at no additional cost for Mac guys, and they'll ALSO get the Steinberg software when it becomes available.

Like Henry says, you need to go to the US-428 forum at under the Support menu and tell us your issues. We'll get you going.

- Jeff

anonymous Sat, 07/14/2001 - 05:28

Take the piss out of me if you like "Tascam-Teac guys" The point is I have bought this eight track and it is not working like it should! I have been told all soughts of BS and it's making me mad! Before I take this product back and get something that works preferably not tascam or teac, can you tell me why a G4 350mhz Power Mac, with 192mg of Ram, OS-9, can not run a US-428 using protools free without major Latency issue's or even if I pull $700 bucks out of my ass and by Cubase or any other application will I keep getting this Latency problem. I need to know because if I can get this thing to work I would like to keep it!
The name is adam but someone is alredy using that Rick....usernames are not easy to aquire all the time but know one has usally used satan so its easy so thanx for the great input Dick I mean Rick

anonymous Sat, 07/28/2001 - 19:50


Whoa, dude, relax. In the first place, no one from TASCAM was taking the piss with you...and in the second, I don't think he meant any harm. (I get plenty of ribbing for some of my screen names too.... :D )

The sad fact is, this has been an ongoing issue for many months now. Steinberg have not yet delivered Cubasis Mac for US-428, (though there is not and has never been legal action).

When you opened the box, chances are good the first thing you saw was a bright red notice to check the TASCAM website first with any questions or problems. If you go on over to and click on the US-428 downloads page, you'll find all sorts of info on the current software status, the most current drivers, instructions on how to obtain your free copy of BIAS DeckLE (you will still receive Cubasis Mac when it's available), and a boatload of documentation on how to install, troubleshoot, and get the most out of the 428. You'll also find our own users' forum, which will probably get your questions answered more quickly...I don't get here every day.

Hope this helps....see you there.

anonymous Fri, 08/10/2001 - 16:31

quote:Originally posted by satan:
The name is adam but someone is alredy using that Rick....usernames are not easy to aquire all the time but know one has usally used satan so its easy so thanx for the great input Dick I mean Rick

Hey, easy there Adam. I was just making a little joke about the unavailability of Cubasis for Mac, not about you. Your username just triggered a little sarcastic slant to it. Your gear not working like you expect it to might be making you a little testy. Understandable.

Cubasis for Mac is available now, in case you haven't heard. Good Luck.

Rick (my real name)


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