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Hi, I am confused about something here, can't find the answer anywhere:

I'm looking hard at a Lynx soundcard. Easy enough right?

I have been reading posts from many boards about these, and how much people love them. Fine.

Then I start reading about people also have their Lynx cards connected to A/D converters, external clocks, D/A converters. What/why/Oh no.

Is the Lynx not a standalone item capable of all these things? My soundcard does everything, albeit in a mediocre way.

So I guess I need to know, are these 3 other devices in addition to the soundcard being used for very specific reasons and very professional people? Is it to get more Ins & Outs?

Thanks in advance for your patience.


anonymous Mon, 12/08/2003 - 19:49

Ok great- thanks David

Right now I have an OK card in the Edirol UA-5. But I'm tired of wondering if I'm cheating myself in the very first step in the chain. Mics, Preamps, etc I'm OK on. I don't need much.

M-Audio is attractive but I'm going for a Home run here (OK maybe a triple) and splurging on the Lynx. Its great now to know the facts on all the other doodads I was worried about.

thanks alot


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