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Hey guys, i'm new the the forum and this is my first post. I've revently bought an m-audio keystation 49 because i'm getting into synths. I've had Ableton Live 5 for a year now. I recently noticed that it seriously lacks in the midi department. I was wondering what you guys would suggest to get, or if you can give me any information on of your expeirience with the following programs i've considered: Native Instruments Elektrik Piano, GForce Oddity, Gforce Imposcer, Sample Tank 2 L, Lounge Lizard ep 1, Loungr Lizard ep -3, Gforce electric piano (Velvet)... I considered the Lounge lizard ep-1 because it is readily available at my local music store..Is there a great difference between ep 1 and ep 3? Any Input would be greatly appreciated.

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