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Hello I'm a newbie to this forum & I would like suggestions & help with my vocals.
I have been creating radio ads for the past 2 yrs. and I've read quite a few mags. on by the octave a bit of internet stories etc. I have tweeked and tweeked with my eq. settings enough to know that I need an outside fresh perspective on my vocals. My objective is to have my vocals project through the mix with authority and clairity. But not too wild,I want them to cut through the mix still appreciating the surrounding elements, I use compressors to get more gain but I need to compliment them with more effective
I don't know how to post a link where you can hear a sample of my work but I'm willing to send it out via e-mail.
I really would like to take my busines international but I don't feel that its ready. Can someone help.
The equipment I use is: a home built vocal booth outfitted with auralex versatile foam. a Nuemann TLM 103 mic, Avalon Design VT 737sp mic preamp/ Tube compressor, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro mixing console, Mbox Pro Tools LE 6.1

If you can give any suggestions please don't hesitate.



drumrob Wed, 01/26/2005 - 10:24


As Chris says, it's hard to give more specific advice without hearing the file. He should be able to give you good advice once he gets the file.

That said, in general, if you boost around 4k, the "intelligibility" of the sound increases. That's why many people like the Shure SM58 for singing - it has a presence boost at 4k. If you have a music bed, I would suggest also cutting at 4k for the music. This will help the voice-over stand out a bit more.

Like I said, a huge generalization, but maybe it will be useful. Have fun!



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