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Hey! We're a reasonably new acoustic band, looking for a bit of feedback on our stuff, and any advice you can give us. We're both new to the music industry and it's a difficult one!

Have a listen at [=""]Google[/]="http://www.myspace…"]Google[/] or [[url=http://="http://www.jackandg…"]Jack, and Gill's Daughter[/]="http://www.jackandg…"]Jack, and Gill's Daughter[/] or email us at

We're also on facebook at Jack, and Gill's Daughter | Facebook or twitter at http://www.twitter…"]JACKandGILLSdaughter (JandGD) on Twitter[/]="http://www.twitter…"]JACKandGILLSdaughter (JandGD) on Twitter[/]

Will be great to hear from you :)

Thanks for reading x

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Davedog Sat, 03/27/2010 - 13:51

My initial advice especially in reference to this site, is to post this in the proper forum, and NEVER post anything that requires an exchange of money to download a track.

We simply dont allow it.

You can edit this yourself or a Mod will do it and theres no telling what they'll do with it. It could completely disappear.

The forum you want is the music and critique section. Scroll down a little further for it. This forum is more about the recording techniques and equipment used to capture music being produced acoustically.....chamber music, choirs, orchestras, lab bands etc etc......