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Killed By daylight (rock gothic instrumental)

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Submitted by DethoticA on

Hi Guys,

Since my last post here I completely changed my recording software, virtual amps and got Addictive Drums 2, please check my latest song, I'm still experimenting with things so any constructive criticism will be much appreciated and taken into consideration when producing/mixing my next song

Many thanks

Any resourecs on Studio One 3 training?

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Submitted by staticjacket on

Folks, I'm very new to the recording world. If you haven't read my thread/threads yet, but I'm starting a podcast, so I'm certainly not just an amateur, I'm kind of a DAW retard. I really would like to educate myself about the use of Studio One 3 on what is useful for me in terms of the podcast I'm trying to create.

FX Before or After Parallel Compression

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Submitted by mrfye17 on

Hi Peeps,

I have a question and not sure what the approach of the pro-mixers are.

If I have a track (any type - lets say Kick as an example) which I process with Eq, Gate, Basic Compression etc on the inserts. and I also send this to a Parallel Compression Aux track and now want to add FX (Reverb etc.)

Studio One/ PreSonus Audiobox44 troubles

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Submitted by staticjacket on

Hey folks. I'm having a lot of trouble learning how to record using the aforementioned equpiment/DAW. All I'm trying to do, is do interviews, later to edit in music and other audio. I can hear through my headphone monitor that the Audiobox44 is sending the microphone signal through the device, as I can hear very clearly though my headphones.