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Attn: MIDI programmers


I'm looking for a few good MIDI programmers for a project that will lead even the most sane person to the brink of insanity (just look at me). This project requires a gaggle of skills some of which are:

- a comprehensive, El Tweako Grande MIDI sequencing skills

- an authoritative command of synthesis

- a firm grasp on contemporary music theory concepts

TO: Clint Stuart/MS Mic technique revisited?

TO: Clint Stuart

In an earlier post by Kgretlein, you offered some suggestions. I'm interested in trying this technique out front of a drum kit (recording session).

My question is; you mentioned multing the figure 8 mic so that you now have two channels of the figure 8 mic-a panned left & right signal. You mentioned changing the polarity of one of those signals.

Acoustics 201...

I'd been having a lot of trouble getting my mixes to translate well to other systems (a lot of trial and error - mostly error) and I finally did a sine wave plot of my monitor/room. No much as 20db differences at some frequencies (I did three runs and averaged the results).


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