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Exhibit Your Creations In The vs. . Sound Gallery...

This is the thread for you - to show off!

Post links to mp3 or RealAudio files of what you've done with your vs Tell us a story about how you did it, what inspired it, and where you wanna go with it. Get constructive feedback, and give it to others. Show the world what you can do with your VS, and learn from what others have done with theirs.

Us keyboard Composers

Well, my system is now 90% midi, just tracks for an acoustic guitar, some vocals, Sax solo..thats all. Now my midi friends, let's share some of the technique that we use to beef up our sampled sounds in a mix. We don't have acoustic problems to deal with, but sometimes some samples can sound a little bland. I'll share 1 of the things that I do.

Writing Patch Lists

I'm having difficulty creating a working patch list for a Technics PR307 keyboard, to be used in Digital Orchestrator.

The root of the problem is that the PR307 uses the same patch numbers for all the instruments in a group (all the organ voices, for example use patch number 7). The variations are selected by means of LSB abd MSB values.

TMD8000 MMC question

I've been using Cubase for a couple years now (PC, but don't hold it against me), and currently have the latest version of VST32. I want to use the transport controls on my Tascam TMD8000 for Cubase, but no one seems to know how. So let's see if someone on this new site can step up and figure it out. Thanks in advance...