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Tannoy Precision 8D monitor with stiff woofer?

I have an old set of Tannoy Precision 8D monitors that were stored for a long time and I want to get them back up and running. One had a bad amp. So I found a replacement amp and bam it sounds fantastic..the other one was working but sounded...well small. I didnt think much of it. Then I compared the two and realized I was getting almost zero low end.

Bought an expensive PA, and now Corona Virus has appeared!

Just after Christmas I decided to bite the bullet, and buy the new loudspeaker system I'd been trying to decide about. I'd been provided with this system on a job last summer, and really liked the sound. My research showed it to be a Marmite product -loads of people hating it with a passion and the rest loving it. As I'd heard it and liked it, I do what I always do and go with my gut.

Covers - or copies for tracks. How do you do yours?

I produce lots of copies of songs mainly for theatrical or stage type shows. Over the years I have a pretty standard workflow, but while doing one today, I wondered if others do it my way or have their own system that might be better?

I always use the original song as a template. I tend to do the trickier bits in short chunks. So playing along with the real thing is pretty critical.