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drums submix

seems punch and punch and squeezed drums are the word of the moment. I have never been a big fan of this tchnique but..
How do you guys do drums submix?
a) Use a multiband compressor, limiter thru a stereo representation of the whole key?
b) do you just sub kick snare and toms?

Timbaland kick drum sound

On Justin Timberlakes "Cry Me A River" (produced by Timbaland) u can hear this special base drum timbaland always uses. it sounds nice n soft. somehow in the background but got just the right punch to still be a base drum... i tried so much on mine... short halls... eqs...hard compression...all ... i didn't get close to this...

anyone knows how to get a sound like this?

Recording Drums

Coming up this weekend I have my first session with drums. I have an M-Audio Delta 44 card with a sixteen channel four bus mixer. My question is, should I record the kit with two overhead's, a snare mic, and a kick mic? or should i mic the whole kit and try to get a good sound to tape using two of the buses? Also, What would any of you suggest as the best way to position the overheads?

Room Mics on Drums

Anybody have any good tips on how to mix room mics on rock drums (compression and eq)? I know a lot of people usually compress the hell out of them, but I cannot get any desirable results.

I am limited to using only plugins and I am guessing the 1176 or the LA-2A plugin would be the way to go. Any tips on settings?