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Kick mic choice?

I'm currently deciding on either buying a RE-20, SM7,AE2500, or a D6. I've used every mic (and some I left out such as a D112 which I hate the sound of) I listed except for the AE2500 which is a new mic AT made which is a dynamic and a condenser mic housed in one body as a daul element kick drum mic. Has anyone used this mic yet and what was your response.

Where to place the Drums in the room?

Opinions on this?

The room is a drywalled basement with a low ceiling (prob about 8'.) Cement floor covered with carpet. The room is probably 20 x 30. The kit is against the back wall, standard stage setup. Any suggestions for better placement of the kit?

Right now I have crisply smeared mud if that makes any sense.

two questions about recording drums

I have to record drums next week. I've never done it before. I've got one Neumann TLM 103, one Shure SM57, two Shure SM58's and one Sennheiser 421 at my disposal (note: no bass drum mic)

I don't mind buying a bassdrum mic but which? The AKG D112? The Sennheiser E602? Something by Peavey? That's my first question.

Kick pedals: Chain drive or Nylon strap drive

I just came across an advertisement for a DW 9000 kick pedal. It seems to be possible to change from chain dr. to nylon dr.
I have no experience in using these nylon strap drives. So if anyone has fiddled with the two, please put down a few words to describe the difference. I am imagining that the nylon strap is smoother but. .?

Drums room mics - too much cymbal


I'm having an enormouse problem getting a drum sound at the moment. I generaly don't like to use too much close Micing but end up having to because I can't deal with the noise from the cymbals any other way. Lots of ride required. Room is smallish 15x12 and has quite a low ceiling.

I used to have foam on the ceiling but this got taken down when I re decorated.