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Creating original sounds and signature drums

Creating original sequences isn't the problem nor is sampling because i prefer original music. My question is how to create sounds that are MINE and noone elses. A couple of producer from my area (Timbaland and The Neptunes) have their own signature sound and it didn't take me very long to learn that their sounds don'g come from thousand dollar boxes like the roland mc-307 or mophatt.

Too much hi-hat bleed on the snare mic

Since you guys know a lot of the hardware side, you must know a trick or two on the mic placing science...
I am recording a drum set, everything is fine except for the snare mic getting too much hi-hat signal, I am using a venerable SM57 into an Avalon 737SM (mercenary), using the snare preset...any suggestions..

checking phase on drums mics

I've heard repeatedly that one must check the phase of drum mics in relation to one another to find phasing problems. How does one go about doing this? I've heard things about using a "phase clicker" but I don't know what that is. Is it a procedure that one would perform which could be done with the phase meter on the console; or do you need to have a phase clicker or do you need both?


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