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Feedback Eliminator

An automatic electronic device that senses the onset of feedback, and cancels it before it gets out of hand. This is achieved by using a specialized equalizer with multiple, very narrow filter bands, positioned between the audio source and the speakers. The unit "searches" for the beginnings of feedback, analyzes the problem frequency and cuts that band.

Figure 8

A microphone polar pattern whereby the capsule is most sensitive to sound sources from the front and back equally, but sounds from the sides of the microphone are rejected. Sometime referred to as bi-directional. Also describes certain antenna patterns, such as that of a dipole.



Flanging is an audio process where two copies of the same signal are played together, with one variably delayed against the other. Originally created using two tape machines and "leaning" gently on the flange of one of the tape reels, today the effect is produced using digital effect processors.


The process by which data written to a hard drive is stored in small packets that may or may not be next to each other. The result of continual erasing and saving from/to the hard drive, severe fragmentation can cause a slowdown in drive performance with drive intensive applications like digital audio, since the head mechanism has to constantly jump around to read all the data.