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Slew Rate

Slew Rate - The measure of how fast a circuit is able to respond to fast changes in amplitude in the source signal. Although most circuits have this specification, it is most commonly associated with power amplifiers. A high slew rate will generally translate into a "tighter" and cleaner signal.


For audio purposes, snake refers to a type of cabling, where multiple lines are enclosed in a larger single shield. The most common use for a snake is for live sound, where microphone leads and monitor mixes are sent back and forth between the front of house mixer and the stage. Obviously it is easier to lay a single 16 or 24 channel snake than to lay each individual line.

Soft Knee

Describes the action of a compressor as the signal level crosses the threshold setting. A compressor functions by processing a signal above a certain threshold. Without a soft knee setting, the compressor would immediately begin processing the moment the threshold was reached. In fact this is how a hard knee setting works.


In wireless microphones, a device that divides an RF signal into two or more equal signals while maintaining the desired impedance at the input and outputs. For live audio applications a splitter functions in much the same way for providing signal feeds to both the console and to a recording device.