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Red Book

Jointly developed by Sony and Philips and first published in 1980, the Red Book standard provides the specification on the optical and physical characteristics for the audio compact disc. In addition it also specifies the organization of the content, such as track numbers, table of contents etc.
(See Orange Book, Yellow Book)


In the context of signal processing and particularly dynamics, release refers the time it takes for the processing device to return to its normal state (no processing.) The term is also used to describe the final stage of an ADSR envelope, where the release portion determines how long it takes for the envelope to return to a zero position.


Developed by Steinberg, ReWire is an inter-application communication engine for allowing one application to interact with another. For example, audio begun within a certain application can have its outputs ReWired into the inputs of another application for further processing, all without having to deal with competing audio formats.

REX File

The product of a file that has been processed within Propellerhead’s software Recycle. Audio files imported into the application are split up into smaller sections based on user-determined points and sensitivity, and the resulting file is saved with a .rex suffix. It is then much easier to pitch and time shift the original material without the usual artifacts.