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Mastering for my genre.


I am looking for a Mastering Engineer that can work with the type of music I do. I did a lot of reading on this board and came to the conclusion that I need a professional to do the mastering.

I realize that I have reach the point that I need to let the Pros take it from here.

It's so hard to let something go when you have spend so such time doing everything yourself.



I need to have a project that is mastered to CD and is not available on any other media. Would it be worth tracking the CD to 1/2" 30 IPS before I take it be Mastered properly. Or should I just let the engineer do his thing with the CD. By the way the material was originally recorded in the 50's and mastered to CD in the 70's.

Tom Petty's "the Last DJ"


Anybody listen to this puppy? My first impression was: "too loud!", so I taped it and listened to it a few times. Brilliant record with a great concept throughout. The sound is still bugging me though. I'm playing the CD right now and I hate thinking about the technical side of it. I just can't help it, though. Am I being paranoid or over-sensitive? Tell me I'm crazy!

vso chart


I'm wondering if someone can help me. I have to transfer some old 78s to CD for someone and I don't have a turntable that plays 78's. I work in Pro Tools and was planning to record in at 1/2 speed playing at 33 1/3 or 45 rpm which would get me to within about 15% of the correct pitch.


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