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hi there,
I was curios to know what is the usual loudness to peak ratio in commercial overcompressed stuff and a good sounding album (you name it).
I'm curios, 'cause a client of mine has just bought SoundForge 5.0 (I think), and told me that there is a function that increase the loudness in a song.
He said that there are three preset:

Presence in mastering

a friend of mine recorded a project for a band and they took it to get professionally mastered at Freq Mastering. Everything on the mastered copy sounded more present, it was subtle like you couldn't hear EQing or compression it was just that every instrument found their place. Is this presence achieved by just running things through really nice analog outboard gear?

Is There Anybody Out There?

Wow, I made a little suggestion in the Bar and Grill about a mastering forum and wham! There it is. Thanks audiokid! So let's see who else is into it. FYI I've done a couple small mastering projects but I'm nowhere near a guru. Certainly no moderator type. Um. so I'll start with what I'm using. A 400mHz PIII, Win 98, Cool Edit Pro, Sound Forge and some Waves plugins.


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