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MP3 formating


Hello All,
this is my first post, which means I graduate from "Lurker". OK. I want to convert a wav file that's 37.20 mbs to one that's less than 2.0 mbs so that I can attach it to email. I tried saving as mp3 in Cool Edit pro but only got it down to 3.7mbs. Can anybody tell me how to do this.

when my mix is played on the radio it sounds like crap..


i'm curious as to what i can do to make my recordings not sound like crap when they go through the radio's compressors and limiters and whatnot. i want to keep my mixes dynamic, but what can i do to the whole thing to make it not sound like crap when it runs through those compressors? should i fight compression with compression? and if so how?


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