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The Stereo field and Ambiance?


Is there anything to be done with stereo fields when mixing down to two tracks?

We prerecorded instrument tracks, played them back during a live church performance, recording the vocals and congregation. Used four small condensers (AT4041's) pointed from the stage in a semi-circle on separate tracks. Lead vocal on a Beyer M500 through a GR-MP2.

Teaching clients why to "Have It Professionally Mastered"


I know the importance of mastering by a mastering engineer. But trying to tell most of my clients this is like speaking to them in Latin. My mastering guy has given me some good things to say that helps, but most of them really don't get it, all they hear is what it cost and all things considered it's pretty cheap. They see the Finalizer and Masterlink and say won't that do?


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