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Is truncating without dithering always a bad thing?



Is it true to say: "Truncating without dithering is always a bad thing"?

As a follow-up:

A customer who has mixed at 24-bit, suppplies the 2-track mixes in 16-bit (I appreciate that you would prefer the 24-bit masters, but you ain't gettin' 'em). Would you ask for these to have dither applied by the customer?


Bob Ludwig


i hear so much about him and when i look at his client list it's like war and peace, but what is it that makes him so good? I heard two different albums of a band, one mastered by bob and the earlier album was someone else, and all i could tell was that bob cranked it really loud and it was less open than the earlier album(but of course it would sound good on the radio...yippie).

General Practices / Settings to start?


Just curious to get some info from those who have experience with many projects. Do you find there are a basic range of compression settings that work for a rock mix? Obviously you have to use your ears and each mix is it's own thing. Do you find you use less compression on mixes done from an analog multitrack or 2-track?