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Overhead Micing


I'm lost! I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I keep seeing the term X/Y Micing configuration but can't seem to find an explanation of it in the posts. I'm assuming it refers to the position of the mics relative to each other, or is it the position of the booms? I am Micing my cymbals with 2 overheads and close Micing the drums.

Microphone used for Alice in Chains Unplugged


I was watching Alice in Chains Unplugged last night and during the song Frogs, Layne Staley uses some type of microphone that seems to utilize a smaller bandwidth to get a really cool effected sound. It looked silver.

Does anyone know what type of mic he is using? I would love to use one live.

Thanks for any info.


Recording at High SPL (Heavy Guitar), with a Condenser Mic


I'm going to be tracking some Heavy Guitars for a project I'm working on, and I want to use a condenser on the guitar cab. But I'm a little worried that this will damage my condenser Mic. I plan on using a Studio Projects C3 along with an SM57.

I was wondering if there is anyway to measure SPL so I know if it's safe to use my C3 at close range on the Guitar Cab.