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Which high(er) end microphone, or do I need one for my low end system?


This is my first post, so hope I got it in the right place.

I have a simple home studio setup and a VERY cheap microphone. I'm willing to spend up to US$ 4000 for a new mic that suits my voice, but maybe it's pointless with my sound card? I use an Apollo Twin DUO sound card and only plugin preamps . I use Logic Pro X.

Help repairing these old microphones


Hi all, first post here, though I've lurked for quite a while now. I recently saved a handful of mics from the recycling bin, and need a wee bit of assistance with some of them.

Before I begin, I should mention that I am a semi-professional electronics repair tech and I do a lot of work on amps, synths, and recording gear, but not a lot of microphones.

Advice on adding mic/instr preamps to my studio rack on a budget


I have a small semi-portable studio rack system which I use to record my own music as well as band sessions. My gear includes an ART Dual MP preamp box which gives me two decent mic/instr preamps that works well for certain mics and instruments, but I frequently need a few more preamps. Right now, I fall back on my Zoom R16 channel amps, but I'd like a better option.

How To Pick A Shotgun Mic


Since there aren't any stores (at least near me) where you can walk in and test a bunch of shotgun mics I was wondering a person decides on which one to buy. Reading reviews and watching You Tube videos is one thing but to really hear how it works you have to be there. If I'm going to spend $300 on a mic I want to hear it first, probably on some of my gear.