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Choosing the Right Mic


Hello. I am doing some home recording for my band and I can get the guitar to sound great, but the vocals sound like crap, they are boxy and sound like you are holding your nose and I know that it is because of the type mic I have. Well, I was wondering what is a good(not extremly expensive) mic proablly somehwere between $100-$400 microphone for recording vocals.

Neumann u-47 fet


Hi again !

I want to buy one really good vocal mic, i already have a TLM 103, c414-tl2, RODE nt-2 and lots of small diafragm condensers and dynemic mics, now,i'm lookin' for a "flagship" microphone to my mics cabinet, and on the +- same price range there is the u87 u47fet m147 and a few more mics i can't remember.