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Micing Upright Pianos


In my new humble abode – which I won’t be moving into for a few weeks yet – there is a sweet-sounding Yamaha upright piano. For recording, I’ll be rolling it away from the half-height wall it's against, then propping open the top and placing 2 mics pointed down at the strings (the treble mic will be placed closer to the strings, at least at first).

Shure Ribbon 33 mic


I was digging through a box of cables,etc... and came across 2 old Shure ribbon Mics model #33. Anybody know anything about these? One seemed to work better than the other so I'm guessing some work needs to go into them to make them completely functional. Just wondering if it would be worth it? Am I sitting on a gold mine? Can I sell them on ebay and afford college tuition for my children?

Mic choice and placement?


Hi all, I've attached a short clip of an acoustic part. I can't get it to sound anything like I want it to. I think part of the problem is my lack of mics. How would you guys approach recording a part like this. The tune is mostly just this part and a vocal. How would you mic the guitar and what mics/pres would you choose that you think might suit the part?

Mic cables, cheap vs expensive


I currently use the cheapest mic cables that I could find. I have a Great River pre and a Audio-Technica 4050 mic but am using radio shack mic cables. Would I notice an improvement in sound quality if I were to use better mic cables for instance Mogami gold series. I realize more expensive mic cables would be of better quality but do they provide any additional benefits?