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Buss Compression

Well the seed was planted right here on this forum to get into a 2-bus compressor, the api 2500 to be specific, well I got an xpressor 500, didn't like it, BUT>>>>Tomorrow I have a pair of 527's showing up that can be linked in my lunchbox. Pretty excited, just wanted to share my excitement, plus I got a session to tape this weekend. Should be fun

Need help with plugins.. PLEASE..

I was looking into plugins like Waves, UAD II, T-Racks, and I was wondering if they are compatible with Magix products(Music Maker, Samplitude, etc..) or how I can find out if they are.

All of those plugins are a little expensive, though Im sure they are worth it, so I was also wondering if there are any plugin packages or bundles that are free, worth checking out?

Moving from Logic 5.5(PC) to Mac setup

For the last ten years I have being using a PC set up to run Logic Audio. I'm still using the Audiowerk card purchased 12 years ago. Although the system works fine I feel it time to move into the 21 Century and get a Mac setup.
What would be my best option in terms of computer (i.e. What Mac) external midi controller and Audio interface? I know nothing about Macs

Slowing down tempo of audio regions in Logic after beat mapping

I'm remixing a song and have beat mapped all the audio regions. I want to slow some of the regions/tracks down, but it just says:
"Multiple tempo events detected! Do you want to open the Tempo List?"

Do I have to redo the tempo on each tempo event if I want to slow it down? Isn't it an easier way to do it?

Looking for Mixing engineer to join new team

i'm currently looking for a 2nd mixing engineer to

work for the buy best beats team we already have one just we need in a second one as we would like work to turnd around quicker.

we pay mouthly depending on how much we make so the more sales all round the more the whole team makes a mounth.

the new site should be up with in two weeks.