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Focusrite Saffire PRO24 - reviews/opinions?

Due to the strength of the Australian dollar at the moment I can get a Focusrite Saffire PRO24 for an awesome price. Does anyone reading this use one? Can anyone encourage or discourage me in buying one? Any criticisms or weird incompatibilities anyone knows about. I'd be using it with an intel q6600 cpu PC, 4GB Ram, Windows 7 using Reaper as my DAW.

Click/Pop in Cubase LE 1

When recording with Cubase LE 1.0.18, there are these periodic "clicks and pops".

Actually, they are more than clicks and pops, as they send the levels to peak and they seems to last longer than usual clicks and pops.

I thought maybe my laptop and Fast Track Ultra were not in sync, but they sure appear to be. Tried all kinds of settings changes, changing USB port.


I received my UAD-2 Solo the other day. It came with the basics as well as the Neve 88r strip, Pultec Pro(it has the mid range EQ in it), Fairchild 670, and the EMT 140 plate. I think there might be a couple more and I know theres several demos left in this used card. (Hello OXFORD!) I'm certainly enjoying this thing. Its surprising to me how good the emulations have gotten.