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Trying to burn master CD for replication in wavelab essential

I am using wavelab essential to make an audio montage of wav files to burn a master CD for replication. Followed all the guidelines and ticked check CD before burning. Burned okay and plays back in my computer no problem via my itunes media player but will not play back on my CD player. .is there a problem, or will the CD replication plant accept this as a glass master ?

How to become a Mixing/Mastering Engineer

It has been my goal for some time to be a full time mixing and mastering engineer. First, is this possible? Second, how do I get there? Besides the obvious job of getting really great at mixing and mastering, what should I do to get my name out there? How do I build business? I would love to hear how other proffessional mixing and mastering engineers have gotten there.

How to loop a file with constant sound in Pro Tools or Logic

My partner and I have been working feverishly in the studio in attempt to make a few horn sounds loop properly. However, we have been unable to successfully create one thus far. A rule of thumb is to loop at a point of minimal noise/sound for a smooth transition.