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Superior Drummer 2 and Pro Tools track routing - Help!

For the life of me I cannot get my output tracks from SD2 onto individual instrument audio tracks in PT LE 7.4. I have a midi track with note info routed to SD2 on an audio track, which I can monitor. Problem is, I am trying to route each instrument, eg. bass drum, snare, etc to a separate track and it is not working.

Clipping problem when mixing down

I have a project which contains a vocal track that has its volume elevated to the point of clipping - on purpose. It sounds really nice. When I play it in my program (Sonar 7) it sounds nice, at least. This is because the only track that is clipping is the vocal track, and everything else comes through clear when it does. When I export and mix down to a single stereo track, bad things happen.

Thinking about reverbs now...hardware that is. Soliciting advice please.

So, I've been using ITB verbs for a while now and haven't been unhappy, but I decided to hook up my old LXP-1 for grins and giggles the other day and thought the difference was pretty drastic. Naturally, it got me thinking about purchasing a good 'all around' reverb unit so I thought I would come and ask you guys for some advice and/or direction.

M box 2, pro tools LE 8, budget pc build. ?

Hi every one, I'm new here and new to recording. I'm looking into building a PC (actually, I wouldn't be the one building it) and was hoping for some input. I have a small room that I intend on turning into a budget home studio. I'd like to use the M box 2, pro tools LE 8 with windows 7 or xp.

Discussing Varied Panning Practices

Several months back on another forum a few of the participants had a too-short discussion on Panning Practices.
There were two schools of thought:
1. Those who utilize the entire panorama when placing instruments / vocals in a mix, and
2. Those who use only three positions: full left, full right and full center.

Band in a Box - Can I create jam tracks w/ no additional software?

I need some software to create simple back tracks of basic rock, metal and blues tracks. Band in a Box for PC looks like a good solution. I can't locate a demo version and have never used such software. Does the program come with any sound loops I'd need, or do I have to buy that separately?