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Does anyone recognize this 60's Music Stand ?

Does anyone know what company made this particular type of music stand, or have you ever seen one like this?

I'm trying to find what company used to make these stands, and I believe they were around sometime in the late 50's, 60's and 70's.[/url]

Pro Tools yay or nay?

Let me start by saying i'm very n00b at this stuff so excuse me if these are obvious things that i'm asking or if I'm not clear enough. I've been reading the forums a lot and now I'm trying to decide what hardware i should add to my setup,
acid 6, Sonar 5pe, and Cubase sx3.
creative soundcard that has midi inputs (pretty useless).
2ghz atholonXP 1g ramddr

Crappy 100' stage snake, should I record with it?

Last fall I did a multitrack recording of my friends band playing live. So I went to order a 100' 16-channel stage snake. Unfortunately at time of purchase I was down to the wire with time and bought the only one I could get which was the horizon 100' 16/4 stage series. Did the recording and the snake seemed to work just fine.

Mixing for Stereo, some beginner questions.

Hello everyone, well here at the end of the week I set off to record my first Album.

Hopefully I've got most of my methods figured out so far, the only thing that I've been unsure about is mixing and recording for stereo.

Ok, so basically I'll be recording a three piece singer/songwritter, acoustic, vocals, drums, electric bass, maybe a lead guitar overdub track.