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hip hop mixing

For the past few months I've been mixing hip hop for some friends of mine. i have experience mostly with rock so i referenced quite a few brand new, mainstream hip hop albums. This is where my questions lie:
1. It seems as though almost all( if not all ) of the instrumentation/vocals are panned dead center, w/ the exception of chorus background vocals. Am I wrong?

SSL Duende plugins not loading in Cubase 4 and Wavelab 6

I have just bought and installed Duende. The Installation seems to be ok.

My problem is that Cubase 4 does not show the SSL Plugins. I recognized that I have to move the DLL's manually to the Cubase VST folder, but it did not help. I even tried different positions within the VST folder, in sub-folders and directly in the VST root folder.

Question for 'Anxious' (Ken)

Ken -

I'm curious about something regarding my 2.5i's. For a while, I had them bi-amped using 4 of the 5 channels from a Rotel Amp. I recently purchased a B&K amp (2 Channel) to complement my setup and went to bi-wire. I really prefer the sound of the biamping however (it seems to have a more present/full mid/low-mid that way).

Clicking and popping noises in Pro Tools session... help!

So I'm towards the end of tracking my first pro tools LE session with my band. We're up to 27 tracks with just a few backup vocals ahead. Up until now everything has been fine but yesterday when I fired up the session I started hearing these clicks and pops at random times while the session is open.

plugin advice.

I have a 001 and am about to upgrade to a 002 in order to use PT 7.

I have yet to buy any plugins since upgrading to PT 6 a couple years ago.

What are the most popular plugins that are being used as far as EQs, Comps, Gates, and Amp modelers?

I guess what I'm asking is what would you guys purchase?

Any specific bundles?

Thanx, Jeremy


ok, so I've always coverted my sh*t to constant bitrate 320kbps 44khz

variable just didn't sound like it would be better because I associate the word with being inconsitent.

but I decided to look into it today for the hell of it and read that variable is actualy better quality and only choose constant bitrate if you want to keep the file size smaller. .

eliminate ground loop hum?

can someone explain how i get rid of the ground loop hum created when i plug my preamp into my interface. i assume this is what i'm experiencing. the preamp is powered by a 2 prong wall wort. the interface is usb bus powered.

i've read that i have to lift the groung from one end of the chain and not the other but i don't know how to do that.

HELP mixing the SNARE!

Everytime I record the drums, I always get this nasty ring coming out of the snare, and whenever I mix, it's always difficult to get the right EQ settings to remove this "ring." If someone could please help me with this issue, I'd greatly appreciate it!

PS. I used two SM57's on the snare and they're placed on the top and bottom.

Thank you!