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Headphone Distribution

Can anyone explain to me how big studios run their headphone mixes.

I am usinig an ART headphone distribution amp that will run 6 Sets of headphones. I am currently running them from the control room to the rest of the studio. I was reading some other threads and they say that running headphones more than 15-20 feet can cause some unwanted noises.

Logic 5.5 on PC, SATA Audio drive - Synch error, SR not rec.

Anyone other than me still running Logic 5.5 on a PC?

I recently bought a snazzy new Western Digital Raptor 150GB 10k rpm SATA drive, but when I try to use it as an audio drive in Logic, I get a "Error Trying To Synchronise Audio And MIDI, Sample Rate 43978 (or something else unusual, i.e. not 44.1k or 48k or multiple) Recognised"

M-Audio+G Player And Cubase PROBLEM!

In Cubase ive got everything set up. Im using G Player for effects and that works all fine when I go into Cubase and put it in on the effects channel in the mixer.
Then i click on monitor and record and i can play around get all the effects and play around the sound. and when I record it shows up as me playing. But when i play back i dont hear anything.

Help!...Calling all Pro Tools Users

Hello there, over the last year i've recorded and mixed about 50 songs in my bedroom/studio using my ol' digi001 - the persuasion of friends has led me to start thinking about sending these off to record labels etc - and i'd like to get them as good as i can using the equipment i've got - most importantly id like to run them thru my RNC 1773 compressor...