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I don't understand buffer size with Cubase LE

What exactly is the buffer size? For instance, I have the M-Audio Firewire 410 and in the software interface I can change the buffer size down to 64, and this gives me a low latency in Guitar Rig 2. However, when I raise it I get a higher latency. I figured a buffer meant how much memory is allocated to a specific task, and if there is more memory, shouldn't I have less latency?

Tapco C-12

I hope i'm posting this in the right category. I have a Tapco C-12 Mixer that is in need of repair and i want to do it myself can anyone give some advice on this mixer? All I know is that it has power and that the VU meters are reading full load with no input/output. and all levels and controls turned down. I would love it if you can give me a starting point as soon as possible.

"Professional" studio CD players

Hello everyone. I am in the market for a CD player for my rack. I am currently using my computer to listen to CD's and it is not working out. Reason being because all the noise that my CD drive makes while playing back a CD is very distracting and is unacceptable (I use a Powerbook so the additional noise I’m hearing is essentially under my monitors).