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Adobe Audition to Cubase

A friend of mine has asked me to mix in Cubase SX3 a project he recorded in Adobe Audition.

The thing is, the project is very poorly recorded.
what i mean is, no actual set recording blocks. Sets the timer a few seconds before each section and records. Editing is a nightmare to make them line up. (I'm adding my own Drumkit from hell superior drums).

M-audio Octane design flaw warning!

I thought I would post this report due to the large number of people that ask this and other forums about which 8 channel preamps they should purchase.

I recently bought an M-audio Octane unit for recording drum tracks in my home studio. I use the ADAT lightpipe to connect to my Pro Tools 6.4 le system. My mic setup consists of the following:

Convince me i should not get an SM87

So I used a Sm87 for a live gig for about 6,000 people and I liked the Mic alot. It's a hypercardioid so the feedback rejection was great and it seems to have some sort of internal shock mount that helps to minimize noise if you have to ajust the mic.

I've only used it for one show, convince me i don't need to buy one of my own.

-Chris W.

EQ effects home recordings more than commercial recordings

I'm noticing that recordings I mix sound good (even instrument levels, nothing sticking out in a bad way, etc) on many different systems when the EQ is left flat, but as soon as I play with the EQ it creates massive changes to the sound, (ie. certain instruments go away or become overwhelming). EQ adjustments on commercial CD's don't seem to have this problem in general...

Playback delays in Pro Tools

I'm trying to record and electric guitar on Pro Tools 7 and I'm getting a split second delay in playback when I strum the guitar. This is making playing to click track and recording on time impossible. I have the guitar plugged into a POD XTLive stompbox, then throught an Mbox 2 USB to the computer. I'm listening through headphones.