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Mackie d8b vs Yamaha 02R96

I am new in the market for a digital mixing board and was just about to buy a Mackie d8b (because a good friend has one and loves it) and then I recently found out about the Yamaha 02R96. I'm wondering if anyone has opinions one way or the other about these boards to help me choose what is the best product and how reliable it is. Thanks very much.

Sonar vs Digital Audio Labs

Now I'm really confused...
I've been going back and forth between Twelve Tone Systems(Cakewalk) and Digital Audio Labs(DAL) on a question regarding burning Audio CD's.
Cakewalk gave me a sample rate conversion process which uses my soundcard's ability to manually change sample rates.
Here is the link of how to do this.
web page

comparing hardware to plugins

Has anyone out there (here?) had the pleasure of comparing the hardware counterpart to your plugins Which ones and how did they stack up?
What are the closest to the real thing? The UAD? The Powercore? How close to the real thing was it? Does it really sound like a 1176? What's the record for the most question marks in a post?

I Don't Want Anyone to Think I Am Anti Plugins

Reading over my recent posts I could see how someone might think I was anti plugins That is not true. I have gotten great pleasure out of using DiNR, Fairchild 660, Joe Meequalizer, Speed, etc. I just have a healthy skepticism towards plugins Hey, you wouldn't want me to be a gullible parroter of ad copy would you? Doc.