Enclosed cans
Do you have a preference to a particular headphone type or to a particular model when monitoring a recording session?
The ubiquitous DT100's seemed to populate many studios at one time - (sound quality and/or ease of repair?)
Which closedback phones are the closest at giving a fair representation of whats happening?
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How do I record a singer/guitarist with minimal bleed?
Here is my problem - I have a singer/guitarist that only sings well when he plays the guitar at the same time. I would like 2 separate recordings with minimal bleed. How do I do this?
Reverb Technique?
I have added an Eventide Eclipse and in exploring it, I have realized that I've never gotten really comfortabel that I know what any of my verbs can do.
I have the eclipse, 2 PCM80s an M-One and a midiverb. While I can hear the differences among them, it's kind of a crapshoot deciding which unit to use on what track, then which preset.
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Digital patchbays
I need a digital patchbayfor a few reasons, obviously. Here is the situation. I want to put an A/D D/A in front of an Avalon VT747SP and rout it's signal through the digital patchbay with other digital devices. I could run my complete mix as well as some individual parts through my GoldChannel, for some of it's "finalizer" characteristics, the HEDD (when I get one) and the 747.
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Tech support poll: Heroes and Villains
How about we start a list of our most and least favorite manufacturer's tech support?
I'll start by nominating Glyph in the hero department. Seems they will do almost anything to keep you up and running.
I've also had very pleasant interactions with Waves, TC, ATI, and Millennia.
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Analog compression before digital? Driving you mad?
Analog compression before digital? I do it, because I am not totally knocked out with plugin compression so far. and I am pretty much doing what I used to do while recording to 2" tape..
I dont do it for "tape sound" (*see below)
Or to serve max level to my converters (*see below)
I do it to compress!
What do you DAW guys do?
What's the impedance of a...
What is the impedance of a Fender Blues Deluxe combo's Power Amp In jack? I'm thinking of recording direct from the Preamp Out jack into a Director DI then reamping at mixdown when I can crank it. Should I use something like the ReAmp (http://www.reamp.com) to change the balanced +4 Low-Z singal to unbalanced Hi-Z?
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Questions about MS mixing technique
Has anyone here experimented with MS mixing? I'm talking about taking
a stereo verion of your mix, making a mono file and then inverting it and
mixing it back in with your stereo mix, but with the mono file 6db higher so
it cancels out the mono info. Then taking another copy of your stereo mix
and mixing this back in.
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Mixing Punk Rock Song?
I am working on mixing a couple of punk rock songs and was wondering. When mixing, do you like to use more than one reverb..ie. different ones for the drums, vox, guitars?
Just curious as to other peoples methods. Also, any suggestions on what pieces of the drum set to run through the reverb would be helpful.
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Do you know the Beyer M61?
A while ago a friend gave me an old microphone. It's a Beyer M61 and the serial number is 13028.
I have sent an e-mail to Beyer because I couldn't find anything about it on their website.
The only thing they can tell me is it must be very old, so I ask you guys: does anybody know this mic?
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