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My monitors has a hum - resolved ground loop

I wanted to extend my monitors out to another room for a different perspective. So I ran 2 longer cables to the other room, but after hooking them up 1 of the monitors has a hum in it (the other monitor is just fine). I thought it might be something with the 1 cable so I switched the cables to the monitors, but the exact same monitor still hums.

A case for not buying PreSonus

As the owner of a small commercial studio, reliability and return on investment are critical to me. We all know that full timers like me are in it for love, not money. I buy ‘A’ stock equipment and software from reliable dealers so I have the assurance of customer support. A failure in the middle of a session is an unrecoverable business loss to me and the artists I work with.

Dissertation questionnaire analog vs digital

Questionnaire: Can Analogue and digital recording co-exist?

1) What is your preferred medium for recording, analog tape or digital and why?

2) Do you feel there is still a cold vs warm debate in terms of actual recording medium and front end and processing equipment given digital recordings progress?