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Beginner - what's my best recording setup?

Hi all,

I'm a photographer and more recently videographer who's just starting out recording audio and my mate picked up an old (mono, cellphone unshielded) Sony mzm 300 shotgun mic which I've adopted and been loving!

I don't have an audio capture device but I use it for interviews and other video editing plugged into my Nikon d800.

Help fixing a Focusrite Liquid saffire 56's preamps

Yes, the mistake in Focusrite name was intentional ;)
I love my ISA preamps but this 56 was a pain from day 1, it went to the service center and return in the same condition.. At first it was just channel one, so I just accepted it to avoid loosing the unit 3months again...
Now the problem occurs on more than one channel so here's the cry for help !

Auditronics 501 IME - 2 channels needed to finish - Convert IM to IME?

So after a year and a half of hard work I am proud to say I am opening up my own studio here in Beacon, NY to start producing my own and other local artists material. I have spent a lot of time on my console and have it currently ready to go at 22 channels - all original IME. I need 2 more to complete the unit to a full 24 channel console.