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Sentinel (Mike Oldfield cover)

I've recently become a founding member of a group partly formed by Mike Oldfield's own brother, Terry Oldfield. The owner of the group (maybe Mike himself, for all I know) gave me some criticism of my cover of Mike Oldfield's song 'Sentinel' from the Tubular Bells II album. I was told that this recording has virtually no dynamic range.

How credibilty goes down the drain with a Youtube video !

Yeah, I know I'm a youtube addict and I should quit listening to gear and studio review online.
What made me boiled down my shirt today is that I just ran on another Mastering video with poor audio.
I mean o_O ? If you are to promote your studio and services by giving advice online, why the h..l not taking time to do it right and show you are Worth it ?

which is better, Genelec m040 or 8030B?

hello people, i am again in a confusion, for the studio monitors, i havn't listened to any of them, so i needed the true review on the above monitors, my only option is between these two, please tell me if any one heared both.
thanx in advance, i need to purchase in couple of days.

classic audio soundcard for final capture

Hi guys..nowadays our malaysian economy is going down to the drain..our currency is rm4.3 against 1usd dollar!..I guess everybody in the world read of our corruptions prime minister!...politic I have to buy a cheap capture pc with cool nice cheap audiocard for final capture of mu summing...please help me with this choices for best nice big headroom clean sound..I m using pc win xp ser


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