NT1a noise when touching it?
whenever i touch mic it has a weird ringing noise nt1a connected to a fast track solo connected to desktop pc. my mic has issues whats wrong with it. could be my setup not the mic? goes into a Avid fast track solo. Happens with speakers and tv turned of still. I had a CAD M179 a few weeks ago and it wasnt doing this. I was messing with all the pickup patterns on the mic and no ringing.
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Best studio monitoring headphones under £80
So, I'm starting my first year of college in a music performance course. I need a pair of decent headphones for under £80.
I have done research but I can't decide what pair will be best for me. I have looked at AKG's, krk's, samson and Sony.
I will be using these in the studio and for mixing tracks. I want a pair that has a nice low end but also keep crisp and clean high's.
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Avalon, Focusrite ISA430 MKII, or SPL Frontliner? Which one to get?
Hey guys,
I really need good advice! feedback or anything that can help me choose between these 3 Channel Strips.
I can buy any of these and I need to get one fairly soon. I think I’ve read almost everything online regarding these Channel Strips, but the votes are so 50/50, so can’t make up my mind, especially if you can’t test them all.
Ghost tracks
Hey everyone. I don't know if anyone else has run into this problem but it seems like I've been getting an awful lot of ghost tracks when I'm working on a song... It happens at least once in the last 5 songs I recorded and it is driving me up the wall bc I spent so much time into these songs. I tried deleting the file from the Explorer window but that still doesn't help..
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If you were interested in a DAW control surface
Which would you be looking at?
I'm just curious... I've given some thought lately to having an actual surface from which I could work in a more tactile fashion, as opposed to "mousing" every command, particularly when it comes to the mixing end of things.
I'm woefully out of touch with what's out there these days when it comes to control surfaces.
How to make split screen for background score, in LED TV monitors?
LED TV will do fine with hdmi connection or I have to get computer LED screen for making split screen for one cpu?
anybody have Focusrite liquid channel time ? stereo pair?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to set up a pair of Focusrite liquid channels with output via aes/ebu.as a stereo output.
I've got the document on the setup, but what I fail to understand how a/d output from the slave preamp
Gets chained into the master preamp and out the aes/ebu on the master preamp.
portable classical recording system
Hi all,
I am looking to start a recording studio at a local conservatory dedicated to classical musicians, especially pianists and strings. I am a pianist by trade, but have always wanted to learn more on the recording end.
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Outdoor feedback issue.
Hello all,
Sorry this is not a recording issue, per se, but I thought you guys would be the most experienced to help.
Over the weekend we got a permit and were playing some live music for snicks and giggles.
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The Karen Carpenter drum workshop
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